"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
-Galileo Galilei
The courses listed here were originally created and are still taught by Dr. Schmidt. Most are currently accessible to junior and senior students at Upper Dublin High School in Montgomery County, PA where he is a full time faculty member. Geology 491: Field Paleontology is an intensive, two week summer field course taught in cooperation with the Bighorn Basin Paleontological Institute (now Elevation Science Institute) and Montana State University Billings where Schmidt is an adjunct professor. This course is open to undergraduate students everywhere. Students interested in GEO 491 should check out https://elevationscience.org/college-students for full details.
This course is an intensive, two week long university field program taught in Montana and open to undergraduate students from any university through a partnership between the Elevation Science Institute and Montana State University Billings. All inquiries should be directed to https://elevationscience.org/